Top Spot: London Pictures
A St. Louis couple is on the hunt for a romantic getaway to celebrate their wedding anniversary. When they arrive in London, they’ll tour 3 resorts before deciding where to spend their vacation.
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Photo By: Sanctum Hotel
Photo By: Exclusive Hotels
Photo By: Exclusive Hotels
Photo By: The Stafford London by Kempinski
Photo By: The Stafford London by Kempinski
Debbie and Basil Rudawsky travel to London for a kids-free, 5-day romantic getaway. With a budget of $10,000, the couple is ready to splurge in celebration of their wedding anniversary, so they want to make sure they’re well taken care of.
Sanctum Hotel
Debbie and Basil’s first stop is the Sanctum Hotel in London’s SoHo – a 4-star boutique hotel converted from 2 historic townhouses and known for its hip clientele. A luxury junior suite will cost the Rudawskys $4,500 for their 5-night stay.
Sanctum Hotel
The Sanctum SoHo is known for its edgy rock-and-roll glamour.
Sanctum Hotel
At the No. 20 restaurant at the Sanctum Soho Hotel, Debbie and Basil sample different varieties of Jack Daniels – a different take on traditional afternoon tea. While the Rudawskys enjoy getting out of their comfort zone, the rock-and-roll glamour of the Sanctum SoHo isn’t quite Debbie’s style. But the hotel scores on budget and location.
Debbie and Basil can’t wait to start their romantic, kid-free getaway. But first, they’ll have to decide where they’ll be staying.
Pennyhill Park Hotel
Basil and Debbie’s next stop takes them out to the English countryside to Pennyhill Park Hotel and Spa, where more traditional luxury and 45,000-square-feet of spa facilities grab Debbie’s attention. Unfortunately, this regal retreat will cost the Rudawskys $12,000 for their 5-night stay.
Pennyhill Park Hotel
The Rudawskys love the regal feel of the Pennyhill Park Hotel, but Basil isn’t thrilled that it’s located almost an hour west of central London.
Pennyhill Park Hotel
Pennyhill’s general manager gives the Rudawskys a tour of the 5-star luxury hotel.
Pennyhill Park Hotel
While at the Pennyhill Park Hotel, the Rudawskys go clay pigeon shooting.
Stafford Hotel
Debbie and Basil’s last stop brings them to the Stafford Hotel in central London’s historic St. James neighborhood. The Stafford is known for its classic luxury, as well as its 300-year-old wine cellar. A historic luxury suite in the small, intimate hotel will cost $6,500 for Debbie and Basil’s 5-night romantic getaway.
Stafford Hotel
The Rudawskys enjoy a traditional afternoon tea at the Stafford Hotel.
Stafford Hotel
The world-famous American Bar at the Stafford Hotel.
The Rudawskys explore London as they try to make a decision. Will it be the sprawling resort in the English countryside, the rock-and-roll boutique hotel or the more traditional historic hotel?
The Rudawskys call the “winning” hotel while on the London Eye. Find out which one they pick on Top Spot: London.