This Doll Might Haunt You Just Because You Saw Her Photo
Nobody is entirely sure where Peggy the Doll came from, but the energy attached to her reportedly has the ability to reach unsuspecting victims — even through their screens.

Devan Abernathy / EyeEm
When British paranormal investigator Jayne Harris agreed to examine a supposedly possessed doll named Peggy, she probably didn’t imagine that she would become one of its victims.
A woman called Harris in 2015 and begged for help after the adorable doll she found in a garage sale caused nightmares and a mystery illness.
Harris agreed to take Peggy — whom the buyer had locked in an outdoor shed — but just a few days into her investigation, she became too ill to leave her bed. Harris reportedly suffered from hallucinations and heard strange noises while Peggy was in her house. She didn’t improve until a fellow paranormal investigator took the doll out of Harris’ house.
Psychics examined Peggy, attempting to understand the spirits possessing her. It is believed that the spirit of a London woman born in 1946 has attached herself to Peggy. That woman later died from a respiratory condition that psychics assume was asthma. According to the Daily Mail, the psychics believe Peggy was "restless, frustrated and was persecuted in life."
Peggy Can Haunt You Through Your Screen (Watch at Your Own Risk)
Harris uploaded a video of Peggy to Youtube, and viewers immediately reported feeling the effects of their digital encounter with the doll. Nearly 100 people said they’d experienced headaches and felt ill once they’d seen the video. One woman claimed she had a heart attack and others said they felt a sense of anxiety.
Some recent commenters on the Youtube video say they felt nauseated or that the lights in their homes flickered as they watched the video.
You Can Go See Peggy
Peggy with her blonde bob and innocent-looking blue eyes is now on display at an American museum where visitors have to sign a waiver before they can lay eyes on the evil doll.
You can learn more about Peggy on The Haunted Museum, streaming on discovery+.