Our Q&A with the Harlem Globetrotters

© The Travel Channel, L.L.C.
In the Harlem episode of Man v. Food Nation, 3 of the Harlem Globetrotters take on the role of challenger and attempt the Squealer Challenge at Rack & Soul. It consists of a 2 lb. pulled pork po’boy topped with an insanely hot spicy BBQ sauce. The men up for this task were Donte "Hammer" Harrison, Will "Bull" Bullard and "Slick" Willie Shaw. We asked them all about taking on Food and about being part of the popular basketball team.
Travel Channel: Why did you want to do a challenge on Man vs. Food Nation?
Hammer: I'm always up for a challenge, and Man v. Food Nation is such an entertaining show, I just had to be a part of it.
Bull: I wanted to do a challenge on MVFN because I like trying new things especially if they're spicy foods.
Slick: I'm always up for a new challenge. Also I heard it would be a spicy challenge as well so I was up for it. That's why I wanted to do the Man v. Food Nation challenge.
Travel Channel: How did you prepare for the Challenge?
Hammer: Well, first off in preparation for the event I didn't eat anything heavy so I could have a lot of room for what I had in store. Also, I ate rice and bananas to help absorb the spicy food.
Bull: Well I really don't need to prepare for it because it can't be that bad! I just was ready to go in!
Slick: My plan going into the Challenge was to eat as fast as I can -- get in and out -- that was my plan.
Travel Channel: What led to you becoming part of the Harlem Globetrotters?
Hammer: What led me to being on the Globetrotters is the fact that all my life I always wanted to entertain and put smiles on people's faces. And when I became such a great basketball player it was a clear choice on the career I wanted.
Bull: In 2008 I was a participant at the NCAA College Slam and the Harlem Globetrotters saw me and invited me in for a tryout, and 3 years later here I am!
Slick: How I ended up playing for the Harlem Globetrotter was I was playing in a semi-pro league and made the All-Star game which was held in Las Vegas. That's where the Harlem Globetrotters saw me play, wanted me to join and 7 years later I've been to 60-plus countries and made millions of fans smile across the world.
Travel Channel: What's your favorite part of being a Harlem Globetrotter?
Hammer: My most favorite part of being a Globetrotter is the amount of love people show all around the world. Everyone loves us.
Bull: My favorite part about being a Harlem Globetrotter is seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces and knowing that we bring good wholesome family fun! And every night I go out on the court knowing I'm going to change someone's day, week, or even life.
Slick: My favorite part of being a Harlem Globetrotter is I get a chance to be a positive influence in people's lives give them something to remember forever. I'm able to make people have a great day. That's a great feeling knowing you made someone's week or day.
Travel Channel: Is there a stunt/trick you wish you could do but haven’t quite mastered yet?
Hammer: A reverse, 360, between the legs backwards, left hand dunk. :-)
Bull: The thing I'm really working on right now is the 4-ball juggle. I have it down, but I just have to master it and make it flawless.
Slick: The stunt or trick I haven't quite mastered yet is spinning the ball on my nose.
Travel Channel: Globie or Hip Hop (Philadelphia 76ers Mascot)… who would win in a face-off?
Hammer: I'm with Globie all day, sorry Philly.
Bull: That question is already answered! Ha ha I know Globie will take the cake on this one. Our mascot has been all over the world and has the same impression as we do if not bigger! So Globie, hands down!
Slick: Globie or 76ers mascot -- I'm going with my teammate.
Travel Channel: If you weren’t playing basketball, what would you want to do as a career?
Hammer: If I wasn't playing basketball my career choice would have to be a firefighter.
Bull: If I wasn't a Harlem Globetrotter I would be a foster parent for kids. When I was younger I was in foster care for 3-4 years. It helped me to be the person who I am today.
Slick: If I wasn't playing the game of basketball I would be a college coach.
Travel Channel: What's your funniest encounter with a fan?
Hammer: My funniest fan encounter was when we were in Madrid, Spain, at a McDonald's. It was super-crowded and once the employees saw us they stopped everything they was doing, I mean all of them. Just to come take pictures with us.
Bull: Kids were running around looking for a player cause they had received everyone’s autograph except one, so there were about 7, 8 to 9-year-old kids. They came up to me and were like,"Hey, do you know where Bull is?" I just turned around so they could see my name on my jersey. Then when I turned around to see their faces, it was priceless! They were in awe. That's my funniest moment.
Slick: I really haven't had a funny encounter with a fan.
Chat live with Hammer, Bull and Slick on the Man v. Food Nation Facebook page on Wednesday, September 7 at 9:30 PM.