Metropolis: London Then and Now
See London in all its glory, from Buckingham Palace to Piccadilly Circus, from the early 1800s to today.

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Photo By: National Motor Museum / Heritage Images / Getty Images
Photo By: The Print Collector / Print Collector / Getty Images
Photo By: English Heritage / Heritage Images / Getty Images
Piccadilly Circus Then
London’s famous Piccadilly Circus in 1910, with the Statue of Eros just off to the right.
Piccadilly Circus Now
A modern-day shot of Piccadilly Circus, albeit just in front of the Statue of Eros. Not much has changed here, except the bright glow of giant neon signs that light up the circle at night.
The Mall Then
Royal guards march down the Mall in front of Buckingham Palace in London in the early 20th century.
The Mall Now
The scene doesn’t look much different on the Mall these days. And while the road is empty in this photo, don’t be surprised if you see royal guards on duty wearing strikingly similar uniforms.
Fleet Street Then
Open-top omnibuses have always been a favorite in London, and you could see them regularly traveling down Fleet Street in the early part of the 20th century.
Fleet Street Now
The omnibuses are still shuttling locals down Fleet Street in 2015, and besides a few modern additions to the building facades, the scene is about the same.