Fandemonium: Cowboys, Testicle Festival Pictures
Adam Richman makes a trip to Alberta, Canada, for the rodeos, cowboys and tailgates of the Calgary Stampede.

Calgary Stampede
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Adam shows off his lassoing skills.
At a tent party, Adam runs into Bud, one of the greatest ropers in Calgary. After learning a few tricks, Adam shows a natural talent for lassoing girls.
One Calgary Stampede superfan shows Adam what he’s cooking up: bison short ribs and smoked elk sausage, all served with his homemade chutneys, salsa, and ketchup.
While most tent parties revolve around alcohol -- with a little food on the side -- the Roadhouse is home to 6 grills, plus lasso lessons, step dancing performances and even boot-shaped glasses of beer.
Adam checks out his BBQ options.
At Fluor Rope Square, one superfan whips up free bacon-filled pancakes.
Adam takes it to the street to find some of the best chow the Calgary food truck scene has to offer. His first stop is Jelly’s Modern Doughnut, a legendary truck offering some of the most unique doughnuts that Adam has ever had the pleasure of tasting.
Adam spots the Naaco Truck, a food oasis mixing the culinary bests of both Indian and Mexican cuisine.
The food at the Calgary Stampede is anything but ordinary. Case in point, this gourmet mac and cheese.
Ribs sizzle on a superfan’s grill.
Adam takes what he has learned about cowboy culture and Canadian cuisine to create the ultimate giveaway for the fans he’s met at the Stampede.