Bizarre Foods America: Spring 2014 Sneak Peek
Get a sneak peek of an all-new season of Bizarre Foods America. Andrew Zimmern travels to Vancouver, AK, Nashville, TN and Dallas, sampling all things "bizarre."
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Andrew Zimmern and chef Tojo's parents never taught them not to play with their seafood. Andrew visits Chef Tojo during the Vancouver episode.
Seven miles from downtown Vancouver, Andrew Zimmern and the crew at Organic Ocean catch spot prawns against a magnificent background.
Andrew Zimmern and Chef Tojo do their best to take down a giant lingcod during the Vancouver episode.
Andrew Zimmern on location in Alaska’s Copper River Valley remote village of Chistochina.
Andrew Zimmern looks on as one of the Athabascan tribesmen deftly slices up a moose nose, as seen on the Chistochina episode.
Andrew Zimmern shows off his hard-earned spoils after trekking through a waist-high river with nothing but a spear, as seen on the Chistochina episode.
Andrew Zimmern shows off his first bagged Sandhill Crane in Nashville, TN.
Andrew Zimmern munches on a pigeon foot at The Catbird Seat in Nashville, TN.
Andrew Zimmern and pitmaster Pat Martin dish up a little whole hog barbecue in Nashville, TN.
A pig slow roasts on a spit in the kitchen at Woodshed Smokehouse in the area of Dallas.
Andrew Zimmern eyes the cow head he and Chef Tim Byres will lower into the ground to cook at Chicken Scratch in the area of Dallas.
Andrew Zimmern and barbecue expert Daniel Vaughn dig into Dallas local icon Odom's Bar-B-Que at Daniel's favorite table: the back of his car.