7 Scary Homes From 'Ghost Adventures: House Calls' Season 1
The Ghost Adventures crew traversed the country to help people understand the entities possessing their house.

Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.

Zak Bagans sent the Ghost Adventures team to eight different homes to help desperate residents find out who is haunting them and why.
The Dark Entity
Newlyweds Matt and Christina are sharing their Long Beach, California, home with a dark entity that seems particularly attached to Matt. Christina and the couple’s infant son move to sleep in a different room when the spirit in the home attacked Matt and left him with three long claw marks on his shoulder. As the crew questions the spirit, it confirms Christina’s fears — it wants to control Matt.
“I’m Back.”
An Ellington, Connecticut, family asks Bagans and the crew for help with a spirit they believe means harm to their children. The crew watches as the spirit seems to dart around the house, and then they capture an EVP saying, “I’m back” and answering in the affirmative when asked, “Are you a demon?”
There’s Something In The Tree
A husband and wife on a family farm in Auburn, California are desperate for answers as paranormal activity began increasing after a tree mysteriously snapped in half on a day with no wind. During the investigation, the SLS camera captures a figure mapped onto the tree trunk. At that moment, Billy starts to feel as if he’s being choked.
Confronting The Spirit
A demon who hates men occupies a home in eastern New York State and repeatedly harassed the homeowner's boyfriends. The crew works to provoke the spirits into talking so they can find out who they are and what they want.
“Are You From Hell?”
Zak attempts a remote exorcism at a remote Florida home, but a spirit responds with a very clear “no” when Zak orders it to leave. A heavy chill descends on the home as the spirit decides to communicate only through Aaron’s walky-talky.
An Angry Spirit
As the crew conducts an investigation in Marquette, Kansas, Aaron finds himself nearly immobilized by a spirit who uses the rem pod to declare “pissed off.” The entity tries to say it is a child, but the crew is not so sure it is telling the truth. Later, as Lauren ascends the stairs to the second floor of the home, she hears the sound of an exhale before she rounds a corner.
The Lightbulb Moment
Billy finds himself alone with his boom mic as he walks through a Jacksonville, Florida, home where something sinister is harassing a mother and her daughter. As he stands in the deceased grandmother’s bedroom and challenges her to act, the lightbulb in the bedside lamp turns on by itself and glows brightly before going out.
See the season finale of Ghost Adventures: House Calls on discovery+ on June 30.